Withdrawal (Pull Out Method) – Is It Effective? | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Withdrawal (Pull Out Method) – Is It Effective?

What is pulling out (withdrawal)? 

Pulling out or withdrawal is when the penis is removed from a vagina before ejaculation. Withdrawal is one of the least effective contraceptive methods. Withdrawal works best when you use another birth control method with it, like a condom.

What’s the withdrawal method (pulling out)?

Pulling out is exactly what it sounds like: pulling the penis out of the vagina before ejaculation (aka cumming). 

However, even if the penis is withdrawn before ejaculation, pre-ejaculate fluid may contain sperm cells. If semen (cum) gets in your vagina, you can get pregnant. 

So ejaculating away from a vulva or vagina prevents pregnancy. But you have to be sure to pull out before any semen comes out, every single time you have vaginal sex, in order for it to work.

Does pulling out protect against STDs?

Some STDs, like genital warts and herpes, are spread through skin-to-skin contact. And STDs like chlamydia, syphilis, or gonorrhea can be carried in precum. So if you’re going to have sex, the best way to prevent STDs is by using condoms.

How can I make the pull out method work best?

The effectiveness of withdrawal depends on the participants' ability to correctly withdraw with every act of sex. 

Learning to properly withdraw can take time. Couples may want to use another method until the male feels he can correctly withdraw with every act of sex.

Read More: https://www.ippf.org/blogs/myths-and-facts-about-withdrawal

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