Why is Data Quality Assessment necessary? | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Why is Data Quality Assessment necessary?

IPPF Member Associations (MAs) regularly collect Service Data and other monitoring and evaluation (M&E) related information to be transmitted to their regional office. FPA Sri Lanka reports primarily to IPPF SARO.

Data collected is used to prepare the initial and periodical reports and would help in decision making to improve efficiency of programmes, projects and performance of each MA.

Recently IPPF SARO conducted a Data Quality Assessment by visiting two Service Delivery Points of FPA SL (Amapara and Batticaloa). During this assessment, the process of data reporting with Monitoring & Evaluation Information Management System (MEIMS), utilization of data reports, inconsistencies of service statistics were assessed.

Essentially, data quality assessment helps to understand the gaps between the current situation on the ground and where it needs to be. It is done to maintain the integrity of systems, quality assurance standards and address compliance concerns.

Mr Suchira Suranga - Senior Technical Advisor(Organizational Learning and Evaluation) IPPF, carried out the assessment and was supported by Mr Duminda Rajakaruna- Assistant Director M&E Unit and Mr Thivanka De Silva -MIS officer , FPA Sri Lanka.


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