Update on GFATM project - FPA Sri Lanka is awarded the national responsibility to operate as the Principal Recipient for the 2016-2018 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Update on GFATM project - FPA Sri Lanka is awarded the national responsibility to operate as the Principal Recipient for the 2016-2018

Through The Global Fund investment, FPA Sri Lanka was able to deliver the package of HIV prevention services to 4603 female sex workers in 10 Districts, 3638 men who have sex with men in 7 Districts, 7679 drug users in 8 Districts and 1727 beach boys in 7 Districts using a peer to peer education model. Further, 491 people who live with HIV were provided with facilitation to access treatment, care and support through the state and network agencies established by people living with HIV.

Based on the performance, FPA Sri Lanka as the Principal Recipient 2 of GFATM funding for Sri Lanka on HIV was able to achieve an A2 rating which is the highest rating that a project in Sri Lanka has received from the Global Fund.

Due to further establishing the capacity to manage the Civil Society Organizations and Community Based Organizations, and as an organization having state of the art monitoring and evaluation standards, FPA Sri Lanka was awarded the national responsibility to operate as the Principal Recipient for the 2016-2018 period to extend its services to the key affected populations who are vulnerable of getting infected with HIV due to their risky behavior. Under this programme that is worth USD 5.4 million, FPA Sri Lanka will expand its coverage within the Districts that are already covered and will also expand its territorial coverage to deliver services in 8 provinces including the Northern and Eastern Provinces.

By end, December 2016, FPA Sri Lanka is expected to reach out to 6212 female sex workers, 4197 men who have sex with men, 8585 drug users and 1770 beach boys through the peer- to peer education model and the drop in centre models while mobilizing PLHIV networks in Sri Lanka to deliver a value added service to the people who live with HIV to align with the national HIV control vision looking at treatment as a major form of prevention method. For the first time, Sri Lanka will see a Community Based HIV/STI Testing programme within this project that is expected to unearth the hidden populations who have the greatest risk of infected with HIV. FPA Sri Lanka will continue to add value to the pool of knowledge base in Sri Lanka on HIV prevention with its multi- disciplinary team of professionals who have already produced literature at the national and international level.

*The cover picture depicts a mapping exercise where the peer educator maps done at the grassroot level is being superimposed on a google map using an android device.

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