Training of Trainer Workshops | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Training of Trainer Workshops

FPASL has been assigned the position of civil society focal point, with the specific target of assisting and complementing the services provided by the public sector. Working alongside a coalition of CSOs. FPA’s mission is to drive progress in planning and implementation of the country’s #FP2020 goals, and this project is supported by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and people of Japan. The CSOs will work with key populations, youth, working women, and older women, for whom the government sector’s services limit coverage.

Under the UNFPA FP2020 Project, FPA is working in four Provinces (Southern, Central, Eastern and Northern) and in each Province, FPA has to conduct 06 Training of Trainers (TOT) Programmes in each District where staff and volunteers selected from various CSOs will be trained.

Two such programmes in Tamil medium were held in the Mannar District on 15th and 16th December at the Women Development Federation Conference hall.

Topics discussed: Reproductive System and Benefits of Planning the family, Contraceptive Methods and Emergency Contraceptive Methods, Unwanted Pregnancies / Sub Fertility, Myths on Family Planning Methods, Virginity, Mensuration and Counselling.

Resource persons: Dr. F.S.Vettinathan - MOMCH Mannar, Dr. Osmand Tenny – MO (Planning) at RDHS Office, Mannar and Mr. Thiveegabalan Chanthirakumar. The programme was facilitated by Arnjali Samarasekera,Project Consultant (UNFPA) and Mr. Vaithilingam Vaikunthan, Field Coordinator (Northern Province).

Two more Tamil medium programmes will be conducted on the 19th, and 20th December in the Jaffna District and another will be held in the Ampara District, Kalmunai on 19th December 2020.

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