A Social Enterprise (SE) is used to describe an organization or a business unit within an organization that uses entrepreneurial methods (for example, the sale of specialized services or products) to produce a profit surplus that is then used to finance activities that enable the organization to fulfil its social or environmental mission.
In 2015, IPPF established a Social Enterprise Acceleration Program (SEAP) that aimed to strengthen Member Associations' (MA) capacity to apply entrepreneurial best practices in the health sector whilst delivering social value and improving lives. Its purpose is to suggest the establishment and growth of social enterprises to increase and diversify their funding base and provide greater sustainability.
Since its inception, SEAP has been coordinated out of the IPPF Central Office in London. Going forward, it is believed that SEAP's potential and impact will be maximized if delivered in the context of a well-established MA with significant expertise and a successful track record in Social Enterprise.
FPA Sri Lanka (FPASL) was selected for the initial period of September 2017 - December 2018 and now further extended up to December 2024 by IPPF to function as the SE Hub and to ensure the successful implementation of SEAP, which would enable IPPF's MA's to increase their financial resilience. FPA Sri Lanka will coordinate the SEAP activities, including programme and financial management, monitoring, documentation of learning and provision of technical assistance.
SEAP Fact Sheet - Click to view
SEnopsis – A digest of IPPF Social Enterprises [2018 to 2022]
SEnopsis’ (SE Synopsis) is a handbook custom compiled and developed by the SE Hub to showcase the journey of select SRH and non-SRH sector SEs.The content is based on working experiences, reports, project documents, dialogue and discussions with the respective MAs online and through site visits undertaken by the Hub.
Click to view.
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 1 | January 2018 - January 2019
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 2 | January 2019 - January 2020
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 3 | January 2020 - January 2021
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 4 | January 2021 - January 2022
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 5 | January 2022 - January 2023
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 6 | January 2023 - January 2024
SEAP - The Social Enterprise Chronicle - Annual Newsletter | Volume 7 | January 2024 - January 2025