Respect | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka


What is RESPECT in a healthy relationship?

  • Acknowledging that partners are equals, which means that neither partner has “authority” over the other.
  • Despite not always agreeing with your partner, you can trust them and put faith in their judgment. 
  • This trust can be built over time as the relationship progresses and you learn more about each other.


How do you show RESPECT in a healthy relationship?

In a healthy relationship, respect looks like:

  • Talking openly and honestly with each other
  • Compromising
  • Speaking kindly to and about each other
  • Listening to each other
  • Valuing each other’s feelings and needs
  • Building each other up
  • Giving each other space
  • Supporting each other’s interests, hobbies, careers, etc.
  • Building each other up
  • Respecting each other’s boundaries

Why is having self - respect equally important?

Self-respect is the key to:

  • Building confidence 
  • Working through challenges
  • Building resilience in life
  • Maintaining emotional health
  • Identifying, choosing and maintaining healthy relationships with other people 


What’s healthy Communication?

Communication isn’t all about talking. Listening and being respectful are just as important. 

In a healthy relationship, you can also talk about difficult stuff without insulting or hurting each other.

Healthy communication is NOT manipulative,mean-spirited,disrespectful, or one-sided. You might not always agree, but you talk through your differences while feeling safe, respected, and heard.


What are some tips for healthy communication?

  • Be clear and direct. No one can read your mind, so tell them what you think, feel, and need.
  • Don’t push aside your feelings. Bring up things that bother you early on, so they don’t build up and become bigger problems.
  • Build trust. Unless someone has given you a reason not to, believing that they’re telling you the truth and assuming that they mean well helps establish trust.
  • Ask questions. If you don't understand what they're saying or why, ask questions. Don’t make assumptions.
  • Be willing to apologize. Everyone makes mistakes. Saying you’re sorry (and meaning it) goes a long way in helping to move on after a fight.

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