The presentation on the Review of Quality of Care of SRH HIV Integrated Services | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The presentation on the Review of Quality of Care of SRH HIV Integrated Services

The presentation on the Review of Quality of Care of SRH HIV Integrated Services in Sri Lanka was held on 26 June 2015 at Hotel Taj Samudra to disseminate the results to government partners, healthcare professionals, academia, CBOs working on SRH and HIV, UN agencies, community organisations representing sexual minorities, gender compromised groups and the LGBT community. The study conducted by the public health specialist- Prof Nalika Gunawardena, used the IPPF QoC Framework to assess Client-Provider perspectives about issues adversely impacting the quality of services, the fulfilling of client rights and gaps in delivery of quality SRH and HIV services. 

The study found that health sector policies, programmes and plans support equitable service delivery, safeguard client right to safety and continuity of services; the right to information was largely met, and STI/HIV clients’ right to opinion was safeguarded by their CSOs/NGOs. STI/HIV clients had privacy and confidentiality concerns in service settings. Adolescents had limited access to STI/HIV services including prevention services. Assessment of SRH clients Rights showed the need to improve access to services for promotion of healthy sexuality, the right to privacy, opinion and information. SRH and HIV/STI provider needs to fulfill clients’ rights were largely met.

Among select recommendations were the need to reform laws infringing the right to non-discrimination to enhance service access for key affected populations; expand sexuality services to adolescents; promote service access for healthy sexuality; sensitize health staff about sexuality, gender orientations, and gender identity. Periodic assessment of clients’ perceptions of fulfillment of their rights and factoring them in planning services was further recommended.

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