The Oral Contraceptive Pill | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The Oral Contraceptive Pill

The oral contraceptive pill (often referred to as "the Pill") must be taken daily. It is very easy to use, and safe for you to self-manage. Can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The Pill is a highly effective method and can even reduce painful and heavy periods, and you need to remember when you’re supposed to take it. 


In this section :

1. How do birth control pills prevent pregnancy?

2. Does the pill protect against STDs?


1. How do birth control pills prevent pregnancy?


The birth control pill works by stopping sperm from joining with an egg. When sperm joins with an egg it’s called fertilization.

The hormones in the pill safely stop ovulation. No ovulation means there’s no egg for sperm to fertilize, so pregnancy can’t happen.


2. Does the pill protect against STDs?


No. The pill is really good at preventing pregnancy, but it won’t protect you from sexually transmitted infections.

Using condoms every time you have sex really lowers your chances of getting or spreading STDs. Condoms also protect against pregnancy — so using condoms + birth control pills together gives protection from STDs and an unintended pregnancy.

Learn more about the Pill here:



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