Media Advocacy Fellowship conclusion event and launch of virtual gallery | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Media Advocacy Fellowship conclusion event and launch of virtual gallery

FPASL, with the support of Riksförbundet för Sexuell Upplysning – Sweden (RFSU) and IPPF SARO, embarked on a project to deal with the role of the media in countering negative stereotypes against queer people and preventing and combating discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics.

The project’s objective was to contribute to the long-term goal of LGBTQIA+ people being able to live in all parts of Sri Lanka without facing fear, discrimination, or harassment based on their sexual orientation and gender identities/expressions.

The project carried out intensive training for twenty fellows, both community and non-community members, through the fellowship programme.

As the Project concluded, a learning and networking session was held on the 29th of March 2022 at Waters Edge. In attendance were the Media Advocacy Fellows, FPA project staff and partners from RFSU Sweden, Anna Rambe and Ulrikka Perrson. Each Fellow took attendees through their journey of creation, impact and success and showcased the content they conceptualised, created and brought to life through this Fellowship. There was also a knowledge sharing and way forward session that produced many learnings that will be directed towards streamlining the next set of workshops, trainings and Fellowships of this nature.

The Media Advocacy Fellowship Programme launched a virtual gallery on the 29th of March, 2022. This virtual exhibition will run all year long and showcases exciting content ranging from short movies, comics and art.

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