IPPF SE Hub Annual Meeting & Strategy Revisit | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

IPPF SE Hub Annual Meeting & Strategy Revisit

For the seventh year, the IPPF Secretariat, and the Social Enterprise Hub at FPA Sri Lanka have collaborated to oversee and administer the Social Enterprise Acceleration Programme (SEAP).

The 2024 annual meeting of SEAP is taking place at the Radisson Hotel - Colombo from the 12th to the 14th of February.

Along with the Social Enterprise Hub team, IPPF DLT (Director's Leadership Team) sponsor, Secretariat staff, representatives of three Member Associations (Trinidad and Tobago, Palestine, and Kenya) and a consultant who will facilitate the formation of the new SE strategy, make up the delegation attending the meeting.

In accordance with the Federation’s new strategy, the Associations are encouraged to develop financially sustainable social enterprises. The delegation will form a ‘working group’ to drive this across all IPPF regions this year.

The three-day conference is a crucial component of the social enterprise programme since it will provide participants with a chance to brainstorm and decide on future activities, assess challenges across different fractions and explore potential solutions, identify key performance indicators (KPIs), create a road map, and make sure a system is in place for tracking performance and impact.

The sustainability of all Associations would be on the right path if the new strategy at work could effectively incorporate the value of social enterprise into IPPF MA's DNA.

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