IPPF Humanitarian Hub meeting | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

IPPF Humanitarian Hub meeting

The IPPF Humanitarian team conducted a knowledge-sharing event on providing quality life-saving SRH services in emergencies on the 5th and 6th of October in Bangkok. The event was framed to showcase different approaches to partnership and inclusion to ensure SRH care is provided to target groups.

The event centred on facilitating peer-to-peer learning and cooperation, recognizing the different strengths and scope of work undertaken by invited Member Associations. Each MA offered a unique perspective showcased through interactive and facilitated sessions. The event was an opportunity for cross-country learning between members of the federation with different experiences and approaches to collaboration and engagement with government, preparedness and service delivery.

Ms Madu Dissanayake, Director Public affairs, Policy and Advocacy represented FPA Sri Lanka at this meeting.

Objectives were: 

  • Showcase approaches to ensure effective life-saving  sexual and reproductive healthcare is integrated in emergency response in different contexts, including advocacy and SRH service delivery
  • Showcase approaches for coordination and partnerships with government actors in different contexts
  • Components of clinical priority areas and quality of care in provision of SRH care in emergencies
  • Outline gender and inclusion components in SRHiE and technical assistance for peer or Hub support
  • Sensitization and sharing of mechanisms (and available support) to ensure comprehensive response to GBV in emergencies


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