Funeral Notice - Dr. Sriani Basnayake | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Funeral Notice - Dr. Sriani Basnayake

We regret to inform you of Dr. Sriani Basnayake’s demise. She began working at the FPA Sri Lanka Research Unit in April 1974 as a Medical Officer. From 1977 until December 2004, she served as the organization's Medical Director. She was instrumental in several significant initiatives. 

Several notable examples include the introduction of the 'Facts of Life' programme on sexual and reproductive health by Dr. Basnayaka to adolescents in Colombo schools in 1982, and initiated clinical trials of the subdermal implant, Norplant, at the headquarters clinic in 1985. In 1986, Dr. Basnayake conducted a National Reproductive Health Survey among a large sample of unmarried youth. Under her direction, "Well Woman clinics" were opened at FPA in 2000. 

During her time, the clinic operated with 30 staff members and served approximately 20,000 clients annually. She was a strong pillar of The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka. We really value her contribution as a National Council member. She held the positions of Vice President from 2018 to 2022 and Chairperson of the Information, Education, and Communication (IEC) Committee from 2016 to 2018. 

Dr Sriani Basnayaka will always have a special place in the hearts of the FPA staff.

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