FPA Sri Lanka is working with grassroots organizations nationwide | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka is working with grassroots organizations nationwide

FPA Sri Lanka is working with grassroots organizations nationwide to identify specific gaps in services and resources. As part of this work we seek to improve access to acceptability, accessibility and quality of sexual and reproductive healthcare available to everyone in Sri Lanka. FPA Sri Lanka has partnered with the European Union to develop an advocacy strategy to bring issues related to SRHR to the forefront of the national agenda. This advocacy strategy will champion the Millennium Development Goals as well as FPA’s current ‘Vision 2020’ campaign in line with IPPF’s regional strategy.

As part of this work, we are building a network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that have demonstrated a commitment to gender, development and health issues in key regions of the country. These 18 organizations gathered in Colombo on August 29th 2014 at the FPA Sri Lanka premises for a capacity building session that helped to enhance their understanding of sexual and reproductive health in the Sri Lankan context. In October, they will be holding district level meetings to identify the challenges at a local level and a follow up national meeting will be held at the end of 2014. By articulating the specific sexual and reproductive health priorities we hope to develop a cohesive and responsive strategy that will help push SRH reform at the national level.

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