FPA Sri Lanka strikes another first! ‘Family Planning Premier League’ – Inter-division cricket tournament and Fellowship Day | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka strikes another first! ‘Family Planning Premier League’ – Inter-division cricket tournament and Fellowship Day

‘FPPL’, a 7-a-side cricket tournament, initiated to coincide with FPA’s 70th year of operations, was an event designed as a sports and activity-based fellowship programme to build stronger ties amongst the staff. FPPL provided an opportunity for FPA’s workforce to enjoy a day of fun cricketing action, traditional Avrudu games and other activities to showcase their sporting prowess. Eight teams of 7 players (5 men and two women) each – Nuwara Eliya Preethis, Koggala Easy Gliders, Ampara Rough Riders, Wathupitiwala Mixed Berries, Seethawaka Staminas, Colombo Skyns, Batticaloa Mithuris, Narahenpita Preethi Supers participated in the FPPL. The team names represented FPA Sri Lanka’s Service Delivery Point (Clinics) locations together with product names. Cheered on by all FPA staff, the members of all teams rose to the occasion to put on display an exciting brand of cricket. After a competitive league phase where the teams were split into two groups of four, the Semi-Finals witnessed the top two teams from each group face off against each other. In the Final, Ampara Rough Riders emerged Champions after beating the Koggala Easy Gliders in a closely contested game. In addition to the trophies for the Champion and Runner-up, multiple individual awards were presented to the top performers of the FPPL, which included Best Bowler – Male and Female, Best Batter – Male and Female, Player of the Final, and Most Valuable Player – Male and Female. The Avrudu-themed games and other activities were designed to encourage team spirit, participation, learning, and understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses. FPA Sri Lanka is the country’s oldest and leading sexual and reproductive rights entity, working with the government and renowned donor organizations to provide quality, affordable reproductive healthcare and allied services to women, men, youth, and marginalized and underserved communities throughout the country.

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