FPA Sri Lanka at the formation of the provincial coordinating committee of the North Western Province - GFATM | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka at the formation of the provincial coordinating committee of the North Western Province - GFATM

The Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCMSL) was established in March 2002 for the purpose of coordinating, developing and submitting proposals to Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM), and monitoring projects in Sri Lanka funded by GFATM.

It is a National level, multi sectoral organization comprising Government Sector, Private Sector, Academic/Education Sector, NGOs, Faith Based Organizations, Multilateral and Bilateral Development Partners, People living with diseases and Key Affected Populations. It is in the process of developing Provincial Coordinating Committees with the involvement of government and civil society stakeholders operating in the HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria control efforts of the country so that information sharing could be done with greater efficiency.

On the 18th of March, the provincial coordinating committee of the North Western Province was formed.  Mr Asitha G Punchihewa, Project Manager (GFATM NFM HIV 2016-2018), FPA Sri Lanka attended this meeting.

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