FPA Sri Lanka commemorates Founder's Day - 15. 01. 2021 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka commemorates Founder's Day - 15. 01. 2021

The Early 1950s saw a movement sweeping across the globe on a mission to improve the plight of women all over the world. The mission was to advocate family planning to enable couples to have children by choice. Multiple pregnancies in short spaces of time, high maternal and infant mortality, poor maternal health was the prevailing situation, and the word “Choice” for a woman was not the reality.  

In this backdrop, the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka was founded by inspirational volunteers in 1953. (Dr. Mary Rutnam, Siva Chinnatamby, Sylvia Fernando, Leila Basnayake and Phyllis Dissanayaka to name a few).

FPA Sri Lanka’s strength from its inception has been the countless number of volunteers from diverse fields and at all levels, who give of their knowledge, expertise and time, to serve the organization and its purpose of ensuring Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for all in the country.

Through the commitment and dedication of volunteers and supporters, the message of family planning has spread. Now the Associations’ work encompasses Maternal Health, Family Planning, Comprehensive Sexuality Education, prevention of STI’s/HIV, prevention of Gender-Based Violence, providing humanitarian relief and advocating for the rights of those who are stigmatized and marginalized such as the differently-abled and the LGBTQI community.

We continue to work towards making Sexual and Reproductive Health a right to all Sri Lankans and are committed to continuing this essential work to ensure the health of future generations and the wellbeing of our planet.

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