External Review of the National Response to HIV /AIDS epidemic and STIs in Sri Lanka -2017 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

External Review of the National Response to HIV /AIDS epidemic and STIs in Sri Lanka -2017

The National STD/AIDS Control Programme(NSACP)of the Ministry of Health, Sri Lanka, is the main responsible body in prevention as well as providing care and services for the infected and affected populations by STI/ HIV.

Periodically, the National response to HIV/AIDS epidemic and STIs in Sri Lanka has been evaluated and recommendations given to further enhance the work done by the National Programme.

Under the New Funding Model of the Global Fund Project, FPA Sri Lanka supports the implementation of the 2013-2017 HIV control National Strategic Plan.  We contribute as one of the Principal Recipients (PR2) along with the National STD AIDS Control Programme of the Ministry of Health. 

As PR2, FPA Sri Lanka manages a network of 34 Civil Society Organisational frameworks operating in 13 districts carrying out peer led HIV prevention interventions among female sex workers, men who have sex with men, drug users, beach boys and people who are living with HIV.

Before the development of the National Strategic Plan for the prevention and control of HIV/AIDS/STIs in Sri Lanka for the period of 2018 – 2022, it was decided to conduct an external review of the national response. On request of the NSACP, the Global Fund supported this review.

It was carried out by a review team comprising 5 international and 2 local experts together with the support of 3 members representing the key affected populations.

Thereafter, a “dissemination meeting” was held on the 22nd of September at the Water’s Edge Hotel, Battaramulla to distribute the draft report of the ‘External Review 2017’and to obtain feedback from all stakeholders.

Executive Director Ms Thushara Agus and Ms. Nadika Fernandopulle, Acting Project Manager of the Global Fund HIV project represented FPA Sri Lanka at this meeting.

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