Extending SRH services to everyone who needs them | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Extending SRH services to everyone who needs them

The Outreach Unit, via its Service Delivery Points (#SDP) located in Batticaloa, Ampara and Koggala conducted medical clinics offering a range of free services to the general public. Clients were provided information regarding cervical and breast cancer, Pap smear testing, testing for HIV/Aids, IUCD check-up and removals, family planning services, with availability of male and female contraceptive methods. Lab tests for diabetes, blood pressure and BMI testing were also carried out.

As a Member Association of IPPF, we believe that Sexual and Reproductive Health is a fundamental human right of every woman and man. FPA Sri Lanka also identifies the need of ensuring that women and girls are able to exercise personal autonomy in relation to their sexual and reproductive health.

Many have no control over their sexual and reproductive lives. They cannot access safe and affordable family planning services. Sadly, the most recent statistics reveal that there are 225 million women who want modern family planning but are not getting it, and therefore are unable to choose whether or when to have children.

Women and girls who can make choices and control their reproductive lives are better able to get quality education, find work, and make free and informed decisions. Their families and in turn societies are better off financially. Their children, if they choose to have them, are healthier and better educated, helping break the cycle of poverty.

Positive policies, laws and practices that guarantee access to education, women’s rights and equal status in society need to be adopted globally and we continue to advocate and work towards this being a reality in Sri Lanka.





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