Empowering Youth Through Dialogue! | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Empowering Youth Through Dialogue!

As part of our month-long celebrations for International Youth Day on August 12th, we’ve hosted a series of impactful events across all our Service Delivery Points. A standout moment was the recent debate at the National Youth Corps Aththanagalla Auditorium, where teams from National Youth Corps Aththanagalla and National Youth Corps Yakkala tackled the compelling topic: 'The absence of comprehensive sexuality education can lead to contemporary social issues.'

This event not only highlighted the eloquence and insight of our youth but also emphasized the vital role of comprehensive sexuality education in addressing the challenges of today’s world. The debate sparked thoughtful discussions, fostering a deeper understanding of the social issues that can arise when education on this crucial subject is lacking.

By empowering our young leaders to engage in meaningful dialogue, we’re paving the way for a more informed and inclusive future.


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