Discussion on strengthening M&E Systems - The Global Fund Project | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Discussion on strengthening M&E Systems - The Global Fund Project

A discussion on 'Strengthening M&E Systems through spot checking to improve data quality' of the HIV/AIDS prevention programme took place on the 6th of May at FPA Sri Lanka Head Office. This programme is funded by The Global Fund. Participants included the Country Coordination Mechanism(CCM) key population sub-committee members, community based organizations including PLHIV( People living with HIV), key population organizations, National coaches, and the FPA Sri Lanka GFATM team.

The Global Fund is a 21st-century partnership organization designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics. It is an international Funding Agent providing assistance to governments of recipient countries to fight against the three diseases. . In Sri Lanka, the national HIV prevention programme has a vital component of community interventions due to its high transmission modality being via the sexual route. It, therefore, engages a chief non-governmental partner to give leadership to the community mobilization and interventions required to curtail the spread of the HIV and to end AIDS by 2025, according to the National Strategic Plan for HIV.

As Principal Recipient 2 of The Global Funded project for HIV prevention at a national level, FPA Sri Lanka collaborates with over 30 community organisations in 14 districts, with over 3000 Peer-educators on the ground. The community interventions include a variety of activities from training the community on HIV prevention, condom demonstration and distribution, escorting to STD clinics and carrying out HIV rapid testing. This project has been with FPA Sri Lanka for the last 6 years and FPA Sri Lanka has consistently achieved good results and outcomes expected by the donor.

A dedicated project team works very closely with the other stakeholders that include The Global Fund, the National STD and AIDs Control Programme, our community partners, the country coordinating mechanism and all peripheral STD clinics.

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