DHIS2 Analytic Tools Academy- 2019 - M & E Workshop | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

DHIS2 Analytic Tools Academy- 2019 - M & E Workshop

Mr. Amal Bandara, Assistant Director- M & E Unit and Mr, Sanjeewa Chandrasekara, Assistant M & E officer GFATM Project participated in the DHIS2 Analytic Tools Academy- 2019 held at Marino Beach Hotel, Colombo from the 4th – 9th of March, 2019.

The Academy was conducted by HISP Sri Lanka and University of Oslo to: 
1. Promote the use of information systems as a tool for decentralized program management
2. Provide participants with a thorough understanding of data use (mining and visualization) mechanisms in DHIS 2
3. Impart data-use best practices and to provide real-time experiences using data to make decisions
4. Provide participants a thorough understanding of data quality monitoring tools and mechanisms
5. Define core system structures that need to be in place for any information system.

FPA Sri Lanka as a reputed and result oriented Non-Governmental Organisation is responsible for accountability and transparency of its activities and objectives. Our Monitoring & Evaluation Unit is involved in continuous strengthening and development of the M&E culture/capacity within the organisation by facilitating/training staff who are responsible for the M&E processes.

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