Crisis Response Project | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Crisis Response Project

Project Period - October 2022 - January 2022

Objective 1 :

To provide lifesaving reproductive health and protection services to the most vulnerable women and girls with a focus on preventing maternal morbidity and all forms of gender-based violence.

Objective 2 :

To enhance the capacity of the service providers and strengthen case management services for MHPSS and psychoeducation to develop the skills and strategies to improve the well-being of women and girls at risk.

Project Summary

The UNFPA-funded and DFAT-supported (The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade - Australia) project aims to provide life-saving reproductive health and protection services to the most vulnerable women and girls, with a particular emphasis on preventing maternal morbidity and all forms of gender-based violence. The services will be provided through 7 SDPs in Nuwara Eliya, Batticaloa, Ampara, Koggala, Seethawaka, Wathupitiwala, and Colombo, covering 6 districts in the country and targeting all women and girls of reproductive age in the selected districts.

Mobile Clinics and training service providers on MHPSS will be the two main activities implemented in this project to ensure the availability of sexual and reproductive health services (FP, MCH, STI, and HIV), including psychosocial counselling and support to antenatal, and postnatal women, and survivors of GBV during times of crisis when it is most needed.

A total of 60 mobile clinics are proposed to be held in selected six districts over the course of four months as part of the Project's Mobile Clinics activity. These clinics will offer SRH services and counselling on FP, MCH, STI, and HIV to women and girls of reproductive age, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

The second activity is intended to increase service providers' capacity and strengthen case management services for MHPSS, as well as to provide psychoeducation to assist women and girls at risk in developing skills and strategies to improve their well-being. 100 healthcare workers will receive training in SRH/SRHR services, such as Psychological First Aid and/or Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services, along with 10 counselors (7 from SDPs and 3 hired counsellors). Implementing the Onecall/call center solution hotline application will enable women and girls to receive counselling and psychological support, thereby meeting the many psychological service needs of the country’s most vulnerable women and girls.

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