Consultations on the topic of Female Genital Cutting/Circumcision in Sri Lanka | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Consultations on the topic of Female Genital Cutting/Circumcision in Sri Lanka

On the 4th and 5th of November, FPASL held a series of consultations on the topic of Female Genital Cutting/Circumcision in Sri Lanka with medical professionals and activists. The consultations were facilitated by the lead researchers of a qualitative study conducted on the topic of FGC in Sri Lanka, intended to gain information about the practice and its nuances in the country. The consultation sought a set of recommendations from medical professionals and activists, for steps moving forward with advocacy efforts on FGC. Following a summary of the research methodology, findings, and shortcomings, the medical professionals and activists expressed their reflections and suggestions, which will be taken into account for the final research report, set to be released at the end of November. In early December, the study will be launched, and the findings of it used for future advocacy efforts.

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