Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Project - LSEG | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Project - LSEG

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Project – supported by the London Stock Exchange Group, London and MillenniumIT Software (Pvt.) Limited, Sri Lanka

The Project is funded by the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), a leading global financial markets infrastructure and data group. LSEG are the leaders in data and analytics, risk, collateral and processing solutions, capital formation and trade execution.

The project focuses on four provinces in Sri Lanka: Southern, Central, Eastern and Northern provinces which are mandated by the donor organization – LSEG.   FPA advocates for island-wide CSE programs to be implemented in schools; supports the Government to develop suitable age-appropriate curricula and teacher-parent guides in all three languages and provides training and capacity building to teachers to deliver CSE in schools by using different youth platforms to deliver CSE programs to young adults and out of school youth.

The project is intended to upsurge and improve rights-based family planning methods in the country by conducting youth camps and the project targets the youth component as one of the most in-need subpopulations in the country. The youth in the four provinces will be covered by this project to promote knowledge and awareness about, and usage of, modern contraceptive methods. 

Under the LSEG Project, FPA will deliver CSE programmes to young adults and out of school youth in the four Provinces.  Within these provinces FPA will target 10 youth from each district, working together with local CSOs in order to reach youth and adolescents.  The Northern and Eastern programmes would be in Tamil language and the Southern and Central programmes will be conducted in the Sinhalese language. This takes the form of a three-day comprehensive programme that covers topics such as gender, reproductive system, sexual health, sexual rights, modern contraceptives, STDs, and abortion.  The programme is delivered in a participatory manner with games, participatory exercises, videos and lectures delivered by trained sexual and reproductive facilitators. All the four CSE programmes will be conducted digitally.

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