In April of 2015, Planned ParenthoodFederation of Nigeria (PPFN) | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

In April of 2015, Planned ParenthoodFederation of Nigeria (PPFN)

In April of 2015, Planned ParenthoodFederation of Nigeria (PPFN) visited FPA Sri Lanka to observe and learn about our Social Marketing Programme and explore the feasibility of replicating the same in their Organisation. As a culmination of this exchange visit, a Social Marketing Programme collaboration between PPFN and FPA Sri Lanka was held in Abuja, Nigeria from the 27th  - 31st of July.  At this strategic meeting Mr Suhail Junaid ( Director Marketing) and Mr Amila Gunasekara. (Asst. Director Brands) were able to share knowledge and experiences with regards to the sustainability and self-sufficiency of FPA Sri Lanka’s SMP programme and insights to its success. Dr Ibrahim (Director General PPFN) said that their newly established Social Marketing Task Team members were equipped with valuable tools that would enable them to move forward successfully and was confident that these positive changes would lead to overall programme sustainability of the PPFN. 

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