Access to family planning information and contraceptives can change lives! - Grass root level Training Programmes | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Access to family planning information and contraceptives can change lives! - Grass root level Training Programmes

In spite of FPA’s wide reach, the unmet need of family planning in Sri Lanka indicates that there are certain vulnerable populations that remain unreached, without adequate access to information and modern contraceptive services. Giving high priority to addressing this need, in July of 2018, the Sri Lankan government became an official member of the FP2020 global partnership.

Following the 'Trainer of Training Programmes' (TOT), the trained CSO staff, in turn, will train the rural and urban women, women’s groups and youth groups in their respective district via 10 grass root level training programmes that will be conducted in each district. These grass-root level trainings will be conducted by the PHMs and during these sessions, the PHMs and the trainers will be tasked with discussing family planning rebranding strategies and the importance and availability of modern contraceptive methods. The first five (05) such grass-root level trainings were conducted in the Galle District in Dadella, Kaluwella, Galwadugoda, Kanampitiya and Godadenigama PHM area offices.

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