The IPPF-International Planned Parenthood Federation is a global federation of national Member Associations (MAs)working on Sexual and reproductive health issues united by a shared vision, a common set of core values, determination to improve people s lives, and advancing human rights. Based on this, each MA develops its own strategy to address the needs of their country. Given the diversity of the Federation, strategies in each country are inevitably different. Despite differences in strategy and implementation, each Member Association of IPPF is expected to uphold certain standards and principles.
The IPPF requires all MAs to meet 10 fundamental principles and 48 separate standards as a condition for accredited membership. The Governing Council - IPPF s highest decision making body assisting and guiding through a process of uplifting, maintaining and ensuring standards of Member Associations grants Member Associations the recognition as a Accredited Member of the Federation once complete compliance is achieved.
The fundamental aims of the accreditation system are to ensure that:
We were successful in getting the Certificate of Accreditation in Phase 1, Phase 2 and most recent being Phase 3. We were accredited as a Full Member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) at the meeting of the IPPF Governing Council on 19th November 2017. Following an accreditation review in January 2017 and successful implementation of the post accreditation action plan, the IPPF Governing Council was satisfied that the Association was found to be in full compliance with all 48 standards as defined under the Standards and responsibilities of IPPF Membership, namely that the Association is:
The Association is an open and democratic legal entity that engages volunteers from all backgrounds and encourages their full and active participation in its work in partnership with staff.
The Association has an elected governing body that represents its membership and that understands and carries out its collective role and governance responsibilities.
The Association makes a difference in those areas of sexual and reproductive health and rights most relevant to its country situation. It demonstrates a strong commitment to IPPF’s mission, core values and policies.
The Association conducts its affairs at all times in a transparent manner, accountable to its clients, partners and donors.
The Association manages its human and financial resources effectively and efficiently to plan and implement its programme of work.
The Association takes the necessary measures to ensure continuity of resources and to maintain general financial sustainability in support of its programme.
The Association recruits skilled staff, treats them with respect, and has employment and working conditions that allow them to operate effectively.
The Association is committed to achieving results and improving performance. It is able to show how sexual and reproductive health and rights needs are met.
The Association ensures that essential quality standards are met in all aspects of its work.
The Association is recognized and valued as a leader in the sexual and reproductive health and rights movement in the country.