අපගේ නිෂ්පාදන
World Human Rights Day Workshop on SRHR 10th December 2018
CSE at the Ampara Nursing School 5-7th of December 2018
World AIDS Day 2018 Testing clinic & awareness programme in Batticaloa
CSE Programme at Avisawella SMI Nursing Training School Date- 14 -16th November 2018
CSE programme at Diviyagala Vidayalaya, Damana, Ampara ( 7-10th November 2018)
CSE Programme at Kananke Madya Maha Viddayalaya, Matara ( 27 - 29th November 2018)
World Aids Day 2018
Why Good Mental Health and Well-being is Essential for a Successful Life for students of Yashodara Vidyalaya -31/10/2018
In-house Training programme for Medical Students-31/10/2018
Media training organized by the Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission on LGBTQI reporting standards-29/10/2018
Residential 2 day training programme for Youth on CSE at The Ecumenical Institute for Study and Dialogue (EISD), Colombo -27th-28th October 2018
Well-Woman Mobile Clinics were conducted recently for employees of People's Leasing & Finance, Maharagama (on 13/10/2018) and the Divisional Secretariat- Negombo.( on 20/10/2018)