As part of the Collective Action Against Period Poverty (CAAPP) project, the team organized a Training of Trainers programme (TOT) for public healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, and midwives) from the Central and North Western Provinces who will conduct sessions for the chosen 13 NGOs under the CAAPP project, to be implemented within the local communities.
The programme was conducted by Dr. Asanthi Balapitiya and Dr. Ganga Tennakoon, Head of the Health Communications Unit at the Health Promotion Bureau (HPB) of the Ministry of Health. Dr. Rashmira Balasuriya, the CAAPP Project’s Technical Advisor, shared information on all available menstrual hygiene products.
The CAAPP project is implemented by the French Embassy in partnership with FPA Sri Lanka and works towards promoting the inclusion and empowerment of menstruators in Sri Lanka.
This two-year project aims to make a significant difference in the lives of all menstruating people by improving menstrual health and hygiene, ending menstrual stigma and discrimination, realizing human rights to water and sanitation, addressing the lack of adequate WASH facilities in schools, and changing societal perceptions of menstruation and womanhood.