Supporting SRH Needs of Vulnerable Groups during emergencies in Sri Lanka – UNFPA Project November 2020 – April 2021 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Supporting SRH Needs of Vulnerable Groups during emergencies in Sri Lanka – UNFPA Project November 2020 – April 2021

Partners: FPASL, DOJF, EFC, SLAMR, NTNSL, Venasa trans network, Sub recipient organization of GFATM project (distributing partners)

Geographic Areas: Targeting all 25 districts


Sri Lanka is a country vulnerable to numerous disasters and faces complex emergencies and protracted humanitarian crises. UNFPA Sri Lanka works with the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka for implementing Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in Emergencies.  This provides tremendous support for ensuring SRH needs of communities in both preparedness and response phases. The SRH needs and services should be provided from the very first day of the emergency and provision of hygiene kits is one of the methods used in preparedness of the communities for fulfilling their SRH needs.


Preparedness allows security and eases stresses of vulnerable populations in emergencies. It provides an environment for people to live with dignity and respect while overcoming the stresses in any emergency.

Persons with less resources and accessibility will find it difficult to prepare with necessary items, as there is a cost involved to procure the items which are needed to keep preparedness in practice.

Within the context

Within the above context, persons with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ groups and female sex workers are identified as vulnerable groups with less affordability and accessibility for sanitary items to fulfill their SRH needs.

Proposed Interventions:

  • Objective: To procure, pack and distribute specially designed Hygiene Kits for vulnerable groups as persons living with disabilities, Female Sex workers and LGBTQIA+ communities.

The kits will contain the following items based on the specific needs of the particular target group.

Women and girls with Disabilities at reproductive age

Mask – 10

Sanitizer – 100 ml

Bathing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Powder – 1kg

Sanitary napkin  - 2 packs


Male to female  Transgenders

Mask – 10

Sanitizer – 100 ml

Bathing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Powder – 1kg

Female to male Transgender


Mask – 10

Sanitizer – 100 ml

Bathing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Powder – 1 kg

Sanitary napkin  - 3 packs


Female Sex workers

Mask – 10

Sanitizer – 100 ml

Bathing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Powder –  1kg

Sanitary  napkins – 3 packs


Mask – 10

Sanitizer – 100 ml

Bathing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Powder – 1 kg


Men with  disabilities at reproductive age

Mask – 10

Sanitizer – 100 ml

Bathing Soap – 3 pieces

Washing Soap – 3 pieces


The distribution will be conducted by partnering with the following organizations.



Monitoring / Evaluation:

  • The distribution criteria  and reporting format will be provided by FPASL to distributing partners
  • The report will be submitted by distributing partners on a timely basis
  • The distribution partners will agree to the code of conduct of PSEA in distribution.

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