Sexual and Gender Based Violence | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka
Sexual and Gender Based Violence

While SGBV is identified as a criminal action by Statutes such as the Penal Code and the Prevention of Domestic Violence Act, it is still a hidden practice with its incidence underreported and perpetrators under-penalized. 

The Patriarchal values of our society condemn violence in general, yet sometimes condone it, especially with regards to violence committed against women in their homes. Such attitudes coloured by biases pertaining to masculinities/femininities may influence justice.

The Domestic Violence Act No.34 of 2005, stands to provide for the prevention of any act of domestic violence and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. It was a victory gained by the women’s movement in Sri Lanka in a long struggle to address the problem of intimate partner violence against women and is recognised as a key milestone in women’s engagement with the law, yet there are some amendments that should be made and we hope the Legislature soon passes these amendments to better protect victims from IPV.  

By Tarangee Mutucumarana 
Attorney-at-Law, Barrister-at-Law & FPA YTAC member

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