A series of meetings and field visits took place end October with participants from IPPF Central Office, IPPF SARO | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

A series of meetings and field visits took place end October with participants from IPPF Central Office, IPPF SARO

A series of meetings and field visits took place end October with participants from IPPF Central Office, IPPF SARO (South Asia Regional Office), IPPF ESEAOR (East, South East Asia and Oceania Region), and associates from  Member Associations of FPA Bangladesh and the Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC). The purpose of this Global Fund South to south exchange visit was to learn how to manage and implement Global Fund country and regional grants, share challenges faced by ongoing programmes and how they were resolved, how to work in partnership with other fund recipients focusing on key populations, human rights and gender issues etc.

 Field visits to Kandy and Galle included meeting partners/Sub recipients working with key populations of MSM (Men who have sex with men), DU (Drug users), and FSW (female sex workers) such as the Saviya Development Foundation, Human and Natural Resource Development Fund (HNRDF), Red Cross and the Young Muslim Men’s Association (YMMA). 

The learning visit culminated with a discussion with FPA Sri Lanka’s community partners in Colombo namely Heart to Heart Lanka, Positive Hopes Alliance, Community, Lanka Plus, and NSACP with the participation of Mr. Alan Smith - IPPF Central Office, UNAIDS Country representative, Dr. Dayanath Ranatunga, Ms. Natasha Kaur Singh of the IPPF ESEAOR office, Mr. Aditya Singhe of IPPF SARO, Dr. Mahbubur Rashid of FPA Bangladesh and Mr. Sophol Sok of the Reproductive Health Association of Cambodia (RHAC).

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