Publication of Country Level Legal Research Studies on Young People and SRHR | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Publication of Country Level Legal Research Studies on Young People and SRHR

International Planned Parenthood Federation – South Asia Regional Office (IPPF SARO) in partnership with UNFPA – Asia Pacific Regional Office (UNFPA APRO) embarked on creating an evidence base for countries in South Asia Region and undertook these legal studies in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka in 2016 and 2017. These knowledge products detail existing legal principles and provisions. Pertinently, the mixed methods (reviews, quantitative and qualitative research) used in the studies provide hitherto unexplored insights into the interplay between academic, legal, social and cultural beliefs and practices that together encourage or impede a young people’s access to sexual and reproductive health, information, education and services.

The Publication titled "Over Protected and Underserved - The Influence of Law on Young People's Access to SRH in Sri Lanka" was designed to fill an important gap in research in Sri Lanka. The research included a desk-based review of existing laws, regulations and policies on SRH in Sri Lanka, as well as the collection and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from young people, parents and SRH service providers in Sri Lanka. 



This report can be accessed online at :


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