New Board of Directors appointed at FPA AGM | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

New Board of Directors appointed at FPA AGM

FPA Sri Lanka's 51st Annual General Meeting took place today at Water's Edge Hotel, where a new Board of Directors was elected for the 2022 – 2024 period.

The main body of governance of the Association is the Board of Directors. All operational level decisions are made by the Senior Management Team, while policy-related decisions are taken at the Board level so as to maintain credibility, accountability and transparency. The five Technical Advisory Committees are tasked with specific operational and administrative areas.

We sincerely thank the members of the past National Council for their service and dedication during their tenure.

These are the appointees for 2022 – 2024

President: Aruni Marcelline

Vice President: Kusum De Silva

Treasurer: Lakshan Seneviratne

General Secretary: Anuki Premachandra

Asst. Treasurer: Sanath Wijesinghe

Asst. Secretary: Samantha De Silva

Chairperson Medical: Dr. Sanath Lanerolle

Chairperson Youth Services: Rashmika Balasubramaniam

Chairperson Policy, Strategy & Communication: Dakshitha Wickramaratne

Chairperson Treasury Management: Amali David

Chairperson MarCom: Shehara De Silva


Message from the new President

'I look forward to heading an enthusiastic, committed team and build upon the tremendous work, initiatives and services done over the years since 1953, and I have no doubt, given our strong values: passion, volunteerism, accountability, diversity and inclusiveness, that we will continue to fulfil our mission: to advocate Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights and provide services whilst maintaining sustainability and volunteerism to improve quality of life.

No doubt the world has changed due to the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 since 2020. We will face many challenges. Economic turbulence currently being faced and the headwinds ahead of us for sure test our resolve and commitment. We will need out-of-the-box thinking and operate a lean and mean model ensuring efficiency and sustainability with an emphasis on transparency and accountability.

My role, along with the Board of Directors, is more advisory, and we will leave the operations of the organization in the capable hands of the Executive Director and her team. With clear understanding and cooperation, we must aim to achieve in making the FPASL a model to showcase and emulate as a member of the IPPF.'

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