National Family Planning Day | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

National Family Planning Day

FPA Sri Lanka’s Executive Director, Ms Thushara Agus attended the National Family  Planning Day event which was organized by the Ministry of Health today, the 26th of September 2018 at the Waters Edge Hotel.

In her statement, in honour of today she said “We are pleased that the declaration of our country for FP 2020, the global initiative on family planning was read and unveiled today by the Deputy Minister of Health in Sri Lanka. The Family Planning Association celebrates this year's National Family Planning day as a momentous occasion, where the future of our country and development can be shaped by".

World Contraception Day is also commemorated today which highlights the fact that improving awareness on contraception and family planning enables people to make informed choices on their sexual and reproductive health. 


A woman’s ability to choose if and when to become pregnant has a direct impact on her health and well-being. Family planning allows spacing of pregnancies and can delay pregnancies in young women at increased risk of health problems and death from early childbearing. It prevents unintended pregnancies, including those of older women who face increased risks related to pregnancy. Family planning enables women who wish to limit the size of their families to do so. 

FPA Sri Lanka works closely with the Ministry of Health to ensure universal access to family planning for all. 

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