Investing in the future of today’s young people | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Investing in the future of today’s young people

There are more young people in the world than ever before. Today, worldwide, there are 1.8 billion young people between the ages of 10 and 24. This demographic reality requires governments, decision makers, educators, health providers and parents to enable young people to realise their rights, including ensuring that all young people receive high quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education. (CSE)

CSE not only plays an important role in preventing negative sexual and reproductive health outcomes, but also offers a platform to discuss gender issues and human rights and to promote respectful, non-violent relationships, STI/HIV prevention, gender equality, sexual and reproductive health, relationships and human rights.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) should be delivered to all young people, both inside and outside school.

FPA Sri Lanka’s Suwa Sewa Centre, Batticaloa conducted a CSE Training Workshop from the 4-6th of September for 78 students following education courses at the YMCA. 7 teachers were in attendance too. Facilitators/resource persons were: Dr.MSM.Jabir - M.S (Base Hospital,Kattankudy), Dr.S.Anusha -MOIC/STD clinic (STD /AIDS Control Programme, Batticaloa),   Ms.D.Shangeetha -Counsellor (District Coordinator -Women in Need ), Mr. SH. Imthiyas(Manager – FPA SL Batticaloa ) and Mr.J.Jegan Jeevaraj( General Secretary/CEO, YMCA, ,Batticaloa)

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