Happy Life Centre Activities | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Happy Life Centre Activities

The world is home to 1.8 billion young people under the age of 25. This is the largest generation of young people, ever, and consists of a vastly diverse group of individuals. Limited access to accurate information and opportunities makes them vulnerable to poor Sexual and Reproductive Health. According to IPPF, which FPA Sri Lanka is a Member Association of, “the advantages delivered by education in childhood and adolescence are once in a life time opportunity”.

FPA Sri Lanka’s Happy Life Centre recently conducted a series of sessions and workshops targeting key populations of adolescents and garment factory workers to educate them on such. 

A session on Reproductive Health was conducted for the male and female students of Pelmadulla Maha Vidyalaya belonging to the Ratnapura District. Socio-cultural norms passed down by older generations continue to view the discussion on sex/sexuality as taboo. With the advancement of information technology, young people are exposed to vast amounts of information on Sexual and Reproductive Health from various sources mostly being unreliable and misleading. Yet, they are unable to discuss questions they have within family, friends, teachers, or even with the family physician due to embarrassment; resulting in isolation and confusion relating to SRH issues.
Female groups of workers in the estate sector and the apparel sector remain in the largely underserved groups of women, as far as SRH services are concerned in Sri Lanka. A programme dealing with the topics of SRH, Family Planning, STI’s and STD’s was conducted for the workers belonging to Linea Aqua ( MAS) in Kirindiwela. 
Happy Life also took part in a Well-being Exhibition that was held in Kuruwita. The MOH, Kuruwita, Family Health Bureau, Child Protection Authority and the Divisional Secretariat also participated at this event which was open to the general public. Many persons visited our stall to get information on Family Planning, Reproductive Health issues and menstruation related queries. Printed materials describing the comprehensive services provided by FPA Sri Lanka’s Centre for Family Health and Alokaya Counselling Centre were also distributed.

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