FPA Sri Lanka selected for IPPF global pilot initiative on MA governance strengthening | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

FPA Sri Lanka selected for IPPF global pilot initiative on MA governance strengthening

In April 2020, following its own reform process conducted in 2019, IPPF launched a global pilot initiative to support ten Member Associations (MA) across the Federation in strengthening organisational governance.  FPA Sri Lanka was selected as one of the 10 MAs to be awarded this project from more than 20 applications received from across the six regions, showing need and desire for change. The selection process was done by a Committee comprising representatives from across the Federation and based on variables, such as governance challenges, the rationale for the application, the expected outcomes and creative thinking on how the MA can contribute resourcefully towards this programme.

The process will involve two phases:

  1. The analytical phase will involve an evaluation or SWOT analysis to review existing governance and its effectiveness against set criteria, including the effectiveness of governance oversight, the cost of governance and other factors.
  2. The development phase will involve support tailored to the specific needs of the MA as determined by the phase one analysis.


Under phase 1 of the initiative, the participating MA will recruit a local consultant, in coordination with the project support team to conduct an in-depth analysis of their governance structure and functioning.

Objectives of the consultancy:


  • To analyse selected MA governance structures against international governance best practices, evaluating their cost-effectiveness, and the fulfilment of their governance roles including, but not limited to setting the strategic direction, approving policy frameworks, and overseeing the financial situation of the organizations.
  • To provide recommandations and an action plan to improve the governance structures.

“Since FPASL is a multi-disciplinary organization it is clear that volunteers from different disciplines need to be steering it. They include, but are not limited to business, marketing, branding, medical, research, communication, IT, Finance and audit fields. Whilst we have attempted to have this representation in the board, a formalized and structured approach to having this expertise within our governing body is needed. This project on MA Governance strengthening will provide us an opportunity to define the path to attaining this goal” – Thushara Agus |FPA Sri Lanka | Executive Director

“This is a rare opportunity and we bank on your collective leadership in ensuring that there is full ownership at the local level and make best use of this resource to bring about a change for the betterment of the Association.” Sonal Mehta   - Regional Director| IPPF SARO


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