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In appreciation of our past Executive Directors enormous contributions to develop FPA Sri Lanka to its present standing we herewith publish highlights of their terms in office.
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Mr Daya Abeywickrema - Executive Director at FPA Sri Lanka from 1975 -2003.
1975- Expansion of FPA Programmes to rural areas, starting from Harispattuwa in the Kandy District.
1976- Inauguration of the district level IEC programme “Praja Shanthi”
1976 Memorandum and Articles of Association were amended to add a new category of members called ‘Youth”, to take the message of “Family Planning” to other young people of the country. Subsequently the Youth chairperson was invited to be a part of the National council, giving youth a voice in the policy making body of the Association.
1976 – Staff Welfare society was formed. Through this a Medical support fund, Death donation fund, Gratuity Fund were created. In 1981, he introduced the awarding of Service Awards that still continues to date.
1978 - Introduction of the Social Marketing programme of contraceptives.
1981- Purchasing of building at Nainamadama as FPA Sri Lanka’s training facility- Chinthana.
1985 – Won an IPPF award for “the most innovative Resource Development Project in the Indian Ocean Region for conceiving and executing the idea “Supermarket 85”. The idea of holding this event was to raise funds. It helped strengthen the image of FPA and its contribution to family health and welfare.
1986 – Conducted the first National Reproductive Health Survey
1992- Pioneered a reproductive health education programme for students within the age group of 10-19 years.
1994- FPA’s own production, the film “Yuwathipathi” released, which won an award at the Sarasaviya Film festival in 1995 and was also adjudged as the second most popular film of the year.It was the first commercial film, with FP and reproductive health information produced by a South Asian country.
1996 – Commenced training of Government school teachers to impart SRH information to students.
1998 – He was appointed to the Inter Agency Task force by the Ministry of Health to formulate a National Population and Reproductive Health Policy.
Initiated the EC/UNFPA project to train community based counsellors.
2000- Inauguration of a well woman clinic at the FPA Headquarters
1976- Inauguration of the district level IEC programme “Praja Shanthi”
1976 Memorandum and Articles of Association were amended to add a new category of members called ‘Youth”, to take the message of “Family Planning” to other young people of the country. Subsequently the Youth chairperson was invited to be a part of the National council, giving youth a voice in the policy making body of the Association.
1976 – Staff Welfare society was formed. Through this a Medical support fund, Death donation fund, Gratuity Fund were created. In 1981, he introduced the awarding of Service Awards that still continues to date.
1978 - Introduction of the Social Marketing programme of contraceptives.
1981- Purchasing of building at Nainamadama as FPA Sri Lanka’s training facility- Chinthana.
1985 – Won an IPPF award for “the most innovative Resource Development Project in the Indian Ocean Region for conceiving and executing the idea “Supermarket 85”. The idea of holding this event was to raise funds. It helped strengthen the image of FPA and its contribution to family health and welfare.
1986 – Conducted the first National Reproductive Health Survey
1992- Pioneered a reproductive health education programme for students within the age group of 10-19 years.
1994- FPA’s own production, the film “Yuwathipathi” released, which won an award at the Sarasaviya Film festival in 1995 and was also adjudged as the second most popular film of the year.It was the first commercial film, with FP and reproductive health information produced by a South Asian country.
1996 – Commenced training of Government school teachers to impart SRH information to students.
1998 – He was appointed to the Inter Agency Task force by the Ministry of Health to formulate a National Population and Reproductive Health Policy.
Initiated the EC/UNFPA project to train community based counsellors.
2000- Inauguration of a well woman clinic at the FPA Headquarters

Mr Ariya Abeysinghe - Executive Director at FPA Sri Lanka from 2004-2006
2004 - FPA Sri Lanka wins WHO Sasakawa Award for Health
FPA hosted a week long Regional Youth Summit at Chinthana Training Centre– 100 youth from 10 participating countries.
Expansion of the youth volunteer structure by establishing 10 District Level Youth Sub Committees.
2005 - Implementation of Praja Sahana; a project to provide immediate assistance in the form of providing counselling, contraceptives, cleaning of wells, to those affected by the Tsunami
2006 – Established a partnership with Plantation Human Development Trust (PHDT)- Mobile clinic operations extending reproductive health services to rural areas inaugurated.
FPA hosted a week long Regional Youth Summit at Chinthana Training Centre– 100 youth from 10 participating countries.
Expansion of the youth volunteer structure by establishing 10 District Level Youth Sub Committees.
2005 - Implementation of Praja Sahana; a project to provide immediate assistance in the form of providing counselling, contraceptives, cleaning of wells, to those affected by the Tsunami
2006 – Established a partnership with Plantation Human Development Trust (PHDT)- Mobile clinic operations extending reproductive health services to rural areas inaugurated.

Mr Gamini Wanasekara Executive Director at FPA Sri Lanka from 2007-2010
2007 – Commenced a programme in partnership with the Sri Lanka Girl Guides Association ( 23 GG ‘companies” in 8 districts)
An expanded Praja Sahana project implemented in selected tsunami affected areas in Sri Lanka with the support from the Hewlett Foundation USA, & JOICFP Japan to help rebuild the lives of those affected by the Tsunami.
Organized the 8th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific – recruited, trained and mobilized 300 volunteers for this event
Established a hub in Vavuniya to provide SRH services to the IDP’s (Became a key partner of the UNFPA)
2008 – Awarded a project by ICTA to set up a call centre that provides reproductive health related information.
Establishment of Centre of Excellence for Adolescents – the resource centres were established to provide awareness, advocacy and services to youth on SRH issues.
Establishment of the” Information Centre” targeting the youth and general public. ( Online database of SRH material, computer terminals to access the internet, books, periodicals, research studies, documentaries etc. )
A project on HIV/AIDS Service Package for Internal Migrants in the Industrial Promotion Zones (IPZ’s) of Koggala and Biyagama was introduced by FPA Sri Lanka
2009 - Outreach program targeting commercial sex workers, persons of diverse sexual orientations, mentally challenged people and people living with HIV commenced.
FPA Sri Lanka sets up SRH Multipurpose Centres in Batticaloa, Ampara, Trincomalee and Vavuniya
FPA Sri Lanka takes SRH counselling online with inauguration of Happy Life website which is a joint initiative of FPA Sri Lanka, ICTA and the IPPF South Asian Regional Office.
Happy Life wins Gold Award for best website in 2010
An expanded Praja Sahana project implemented in selected tsunami affected areas in Sri Lanka with the support from the Hewlett Foundation USA, & JOICFP Japan to help rebuild the lives of those affected by the Tsunami.
Organized the 8th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific – recruited, trained and mobilized 300 volunteers for this event
Established a hub in Vavuniya to provide SRH services to the IDP’s (Became a key partner of the UNFPA)
2008 – Awarded a project by ICTA to set up a call centre that provides reproductive health related information.
Establishment of Centre of Excellence for Adolescents – the resource centres were established to provide awareness, advocacy and services to youth on SRH issues.
Establishment of the” Information Centre” targeting the youth and general public. ( Online database of SRH material, computer terminals to access the internet, books, periodicals, research studies, documentaries etc. )
A project on HIV/AIDS Service Package for Internal Migrants in the Industrial Promotion Zones (IPZ’s) of Koggala and Biyagama was introduced by FPA Sri Lanka
2009 - Outreach program targeting commercial sex workers, persons of diverse sexual orientations, mentally challenged people and people living with HIV commenced.
FPA Sri Lanka sets up SRH Multipurpose Centres in Batticaloa, Ampara, Trincomalee and Vavuniya
FPA Sri Lanka takes SRH counselling online with inauguration of Happy Life website which is a joint initiative of FPA Sri Lanka, ICTA and the IPPF South Asian Regional Office.
Happy Life wins Gold Award for best website in 2010