Youthlink, an online platform developed by a group of organizations and individuals | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Youthlink, an online platform developed by a group of organizations and individuals

Youthlink, an online platform developed by a group of organizations and individuals working for youth development in Sri Lanka, was reintroduced to the public on the 07th April 2014 at the Microsoft Youth Empowerment Day organized by AIESEC at the Buddhist Cultural Center.

This web portal was developed with organizations such as World Bank, National Youth Services Council, Microsoft, AIESEC, UNFPA, Transparency International, Connect, Earth Lanka, Sarvodaya Fusion and FPA Sri Lanka who have come together with the shared ambition of collaborating and communicating on critical issues facing the country’s young people.

The idea of a Sri Lanka youth portal emerged out of several deliberations with Sri Lankan youth and development partners working in Sri Lanka who are interested in investing and engaging with the youth. The Youthlink website, accessible at, will aggregate information and knowledge relevant to the youth as well as experiences and the know-how of youth-led organizations and organizations that have a focus on youth development. Stemming from the above, the portal will attempt to create the much needed dialogue between the youth of Sri Lanka and those individuals, organizations and other entities that are working towards the development of the country’s youth. This online web portal will also facilitate as a forum where young people can voice their concerns and engage in discussions on various topics including, climate change, sexual and reproductive health, youth rights, employment etc. Furthermore, there is also a job portal within the website and not to mention a platform where young entrepreneurs can display their innovations and ideas. It is hoped that this website will serve as an evidence-based, informative, one-stop platform for the youth to spearhead their own development and also serve as a repository of data for youth policymakers.

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