World Aids Day 2017 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

World Aids Day 2017

As we marked World AIDS Day on 1st December, we reflect on FPA Sri Lanka’s efforts towards enabling Sri Lanka to become an AIDS-free nation. The theme of focus was “Ending Aids by 2025” and the United Nations theme was “ My Health, my right” -Everyone, regardless of who they are or where they live, has a right to health.

As the Principal Recipient representing the civil society initiatives on HIV prevention, FPA Sri Lanka contributes to the National HIV control efforts led by the Ministry of Health, Government of Sri Lanka with GFATM funding.

The main tasks undertaken under the civil society led initiatives can be categorised under 3 themes.

Community mobilization: Forming and maintaining partnerships with most at risk populations such as female sex workers, men who have sex with men, drug users and beach boys and providing knowledge on HIV, sexually transmitted infections and the necessity of condom use.

Community based HIV testing: Once communities are mobilised sufficiently, they are encouraged to get themselves tested for HIV and other STDs and to modify their behavior to reduce risk of acquiring HIV or STD’s.

Providing Treatment, Care and Support: The persons identified with HIV and STDs are trained to follow sound health and nutritional guidelines and are provided with incentives to maintain medication provided through the state health sector so that the community viral load remains at a minimum.

The programme is conducted in 13 Districts where the highest numbers of “most at risk populations” are reported.

We also through our Service Delivery Points and Comprehensive Sexuality Education programmes counter the stigma and increase public awareness of the fact that people living with HIV can live a normal and healthy life through early-diagnosis and treatment.

We emphasize that male condoms, when used correctly and consistently, provide dual protection against both unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, including HIV.

FPA Sri Lanka recently installed the first Smart Condom Vending Machine called “Vendom” outside the Head Office to enable quick and private purchase of condoms. Further plans are underway to install many more machines island-wide.

We have ensured wide reach and accessibility of condoms through a comprehensive distribution network of retail outlets, HIV/STD clinics and family planning clinics held throughout the year.

We believe that increasing public awareness of the fact that HIV is treatable, ensuring wider use of condoms, encouraging community-based testing, and addressing the stigma that can be associated with HIV, will help reduce the prevalence of HIV from 0.01% to the overall goal of 0% to be achieved by 2025.

FPA Sri Lanka is committed to continue efforts in supporting the Government of Sri Lanka in ensuring the right measures are taken to achieve an AIDS-free Sri Lanka.

Here are some pictures from the “World Aids Day” walk that was organised by The National STD/AIDS Control Programme (NSACP) that took place on the 30th of November. We were partners at this event which concluded at the BMICH.





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