Webinar: Tips and tricks for maximising the potential of Digital Health Interventions | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Webinar: Tips and tricks for maximising the potential of Digital Health Interventions

Experience sharing by affiliated Associations is a proven learning method sparking inspiration and initiative within the Federation. Digital Health Interventions (DHI) have played a key role in service delivery and ensuring access for all in the last few years. Therefore, it was an opportune time to share tips, ‘tricks’ (best practices), and lessons learned across IPPF partners and was the purpose of the webinar being organized.

Spearheaded by Greg Gray (Lead, RESPOND Project) and supported by the SE Hub, the online event brought together key teams from FPOP – Philippines, IPPA – Indonesia, FPASL – Sri Lanka and PFPPA – Palestine.

Lucy Herny (IPPA RESPOND Programme Coordinator) shared their experience, journey and learning of offering healthcare via online consultations on platforms such as Zoom, Facebook and Instagram during the COVID-19 pandemic to creating a web-based application in February 2023 called ‘PKBIcare’. PKBIcare has an interactive consultation chat feature that supports images transfers as well, so that all IPPA Chapters across Indonesia can find it easier to analyze client cases and service providers can provide notes/observances for referrals.

Renato LLorin (FPOP RESPOND Programme Coordinator) shared the MA’s use of DHI-telemedicine, such as establishing hotlines, social media pages with chat features, offering home delivery of SRH products and an online store to fulfil prescriptions. Their long-term plan is to strengthen organizational capacity to include SGBV services into their programme.

FPA Sri Lanka’s Deputy Director Brands Amila Gunasekara provided an overview of the Association’s contraceptive marketing programme of 50+ years and their efforts to promote and improve and expand product delivery via online channels; the corporate website through trusted delivery partners and a dedicated webpage on the SE Hub’s online store ‘Planet361’ that can also accommodate bookings for counselling. Ammal Awadallah, PFPPA’s Executive Director, shared passionately and candidly the conception, development, launch and lessons learnt of their mobile application that the SE Hub supported via a grant and technical expertise. In closing,

Greg Grey shared a visual of the countries in which the RESPOND project is active. A discussion ensued, and some key questions were raised;

* How can the continuity of the DHI efforts of the RESPOND project be ensured?
* How can each affiliate ensure that young people are reached (DFAT goal), and how can tracking and monitoring be used to evaluate real progress?
* How can the App’ developed not only to be used on a need basis but to be an exciting platform that users are drawn to regularly for reasons other than a medical need? (Partnering with Ministries, Youth Societies, Universities, Academic institutions etc. can be a way forward).

Rishikeshan Thiyagaraja - Assistant Director, and Manjula Liyanage - Technical Advisor from the IPPF Social Enterprise Hub, led a closing discussion to understand the options that can be considered and explored. A follow-up meeting is scheduled to take place to determine the practical actions that each affiliate can pursue. 

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