The urgent need to Advance Comprehensive Sexuality Education | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

The urgent need to Advance Comprehensive Sexuality Education

Comprehensive sexuality education is the crossroads at which education and health meet. It is vital to advancing health outcomes and gender equality. It gives young people the tools they need to have healthy lives and relationships. It helps them navigate life-changing decisions about their sexual and reproductive health.

Yet, locally and globally, the majority of adolescents and young people lack the knowledge required to make those decisions responsibly, leaving them vulnerable to coercion, sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancy.

Many young people receive a range of scientifically incorrect, conflicting and confusing messages about sexuality and gender on a daily basis. This can lead to serious risks for their health, well-being and dignity. As a result, poor sexual and reproductive health outcomes are a reality for many young people today.

Our Koggala Service Delivery Point organised multiple three day Comprehensive Sexuality Education workshops at the Vocational Training Authority’s (VTA) of Imaduwa ( 2- 4th of July 2019), Koggala ( 10-12th of July 2019) and Galle ( 10 – 12th of July 2019)

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