Training of Trainers Programme on MISP for SRH in Emergencies | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Training of Trainers Programme on MISP for SRH in Emergencies

The workshop was held from the 26th to 29th of June 2023 at the Radisson Hotel in Colombo for FPA project staff, Service Delivery Point Managers, Doctors affiliated to the National STD/AIDS Control Programme, Family Health Bureau (FHB), SL Army and the Navy, and representatives from Positive Hope Alliance and the National Transgender Network.

The facilitators were Edna Mokaya from IPPF Humanitarian, Dr. Novil Wijesekara from DPRD, MOH, Dr. Janaka Weragoda from NSACP and Dr. Hemali Jayakody from the FHB.
Some of the topics addressed were: Prevention of sexual violence and responding to the needs of survivors, Prevention of transmission of and reduction of morbidity and mortality due to HIV and other STIs, integrating SRH services into primary health care, and safe abortion care procedures according to the legal framework.

Learning methodologies included group work, interactive presentations, reflective exercises, role play and discussions.

* MISP - Minimum Initial Service Package 
The Minimum Initial Service Package  (MISP) for Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) in crisis situations is a series of crucial, lifesaving activities required to respond to the SRH  needs of affected populations at the onset of a humanitarian crisis. These needs are often overlooked with potentially life-threatening consequences.

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