Regional Meeting on Sexual Gender Diversity (SGD) | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Regional Meeting on Sexual Gender Diversity (SGD)

The IPPF and their Member Associations (MAs) envision a world in which all people are free to make their own decisions about their sexuality and well-being, and where there is no discrimination. To ensure that all people with diverse sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sex characteristics (SOGIESC) can realize their sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and live a fulfilling life, programming that takes their needs and realities into account is required.

The first pillar of IPPF's new Strategic Framework commits to increasing access to SRH for diverse SOGIESC people by involving and caring for the LGBTQI+ community.

This meeting of member associations and community representatives from the East and South East Asia and Oceania Region and the South Asian regional office intends to follow that commitment through shared experiences and MA-to-MA learning in working and engaging with the diverse SOGIESC communities.
The meeting provides opportunities for networking, knowledge exchange, showcasing accomplishments and aims to identify collaborative initiatives to empower both MAs and community representatives in order to ensure a unified approach to advancing and mainstreaming health initiatives in the Global South for diverse SOGIESC inclusion.

Representing FPA Sri Lanka is Executive Director Dr. Ruchitha Perera and Ranaka Siriwardana - SKPA-2 Project Officer.

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