Premature Ejaculation | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Premature Ejaculation

Premature Ejaculation(PE) is a condition in which a man ejaculates earlier than he or his partner would like him to, causing distress to either or both partners..

Many men occasionally ejaculate sooner during sexual intercourse than they or their partner would like. As long as it happens infrequently, it is not a cause for concern. If this happens most of their sexual encounters it may cause significant distress and can affect sexual satisfaction in man as well as the women. PE is a condition that can be treated very effectively. Medications, psychological counseling and sexual techniques that delay ejaculation can improve sex for you and your partner. For many men, a combination of treatments works best.


Average time from penetration to ejaculation is 5 to 6 minutes. According to recent guidelines, to be considered as having PE time from penetration to ejaculation (ejaculatory latency time) should be less than 1 minute. Men with ejaculatory latency time less than two minutes also need treatment if the condition causes significant distress. PE could broadly be classified as life long premature ejaculation (primary) or acquired (secondary). Men with life long premature ejaculation experience rapid ejaculation in all sexual encounters including masturbation and with all partners. Men with secondary premature ejaculation develop the problem later in life after having a normal ejaculatory latency time previously. The both of these conditions can be treated.


Causes for Premature Ejaculation


It was previously thought that this condition is primarily due to psychological factors. We now know premature ejaculation is more complicated and involves a complex interaction of both psychological and biological factors. Therefore, proper evaluation by a doctor is needed to identify the underline cause.



While premature ejaculation doesn't increase your risk of serious health problems, it can be a symptom of underlying medical problem like over activity of the thyroid gland and other biological conditions. Long standing PE can affect your sexual as well as personal life. The common complications of premature ejaculation include relationship distress, lack of intimacy, lower self esteem and marital disharmony. In men who ejaculate before penetration fertilization can be difficult or impossible unless PE is effectively treated.




All men need careful evaluation before treatment in order to achieve better outcome. Treatment options for premature ejaculation include sexual therapy, medications and psychotherapy. For many men, a combination of these treatments works best.

During the consultation with the doctor your sexual confidence will be improved while addressing negative emotions and reducing anxiety levels. Your sexual myths will be addressed aimed at increasing perception of control. Out come is better if the man see the doctor with his partner as some of the female sexual dysfunctions, attitudes and behaviors can also lead to PE.

Dr Lasantha Malavige

The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

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