Meeting to discuss Sri Lanka's membership in the Family Planning 2020 (FP 2020) initiative | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Meeting to discuss Sri Lanka's membership in the Family Planning 2020 (FP 2020) initiative

Family Planning 2020 (FP2020)  is a global  partnership that supports the rights of women  and girls to decide, freely, and  for themselves,  whether, when, and  how many children they want to have. Family Planning 2020 aims to expand access to family  planning information, services, and supplies to an additional  120 million women  and  girls in  69 of the world's poorest countries  by 2020.

Sri Lanka is a  FP 2020 focused  country and in August 2018 Sri Lanka signed the  FP 2020 pledge with a commitment to  increase  the  percentage of eligible families who  have  their need  for family  planning satisfied  with  modern  methods,  from  74.2%  (DHS  2016) to 79% by 2025.  In  order to do this successfully Sri  Lanka will need the involvement of key stakeholders, Government,  Donors and Civil Society members. FP  2020 will  proactively advocate  for increased  focus,  support and  resources for rights-based  family planning, seek to inspire and strengthen the broad-based family planning  movement, and champion the rights of women and girls to access high quality, affordable, modern contraception including young people and  marginalized  populations.

Civil Society Organizations(CSO) play an  important role in promoting the FP 2020 pledge. In order to discuss the FP  2020  commitment  in  more  detail  and  to discuss the  role  of civil  society  in  contributing  towards  this pledge FPA Sri Lanka organised a meeting for 15 CSO's on the 27th of September 2018.

The meeting  was addressed  by Dr Sanjeewa  Godakanda,  Consultant  Community  Physician  and  focal point for Family  Planning  Programme at  the Family Health  Bureau.

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