Knowledge is power | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

Knowledge is power

Few young people receive adequate preparation for their sexual lives. This leaves them potentially vulnerable to coercion, abuse and exploitation, unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV.

Effective sexuality education can provide young people with age-appropriate, culturally relevant and scientifically accurate information. It includes opportunities for young people to explore their attitudes/values, and to practice decision-making and other life skills they will need to be able to make informed choices about their lives.

The education sector has a critical role to play in preparing children and young people for their adult roles and responsibilities. This transition to adulthood requires becoming informed and equipped with the appropriate knowledge and skills to make responsible choices in their social and sexual lives.

Unfortunately, teachers are often reluctant to discuss these topics in the classroom due to cultural inhibitions



In many countries, young people have their first sexual experiences while they are still attending school, making the setting even more important as an opportunity to provide education about sexual and reproductive health. The statistic featured above is evidence of the fact in Sri Lanka as well.

To fulfill this communication and information deficit, FPA Sri Lanka carries out Comprehensive Sexuality Programmes(CSE) for in and out of school youth and provides scientifically accurate information about human development, anatomy, and reproductive health, discussions about family life, relationships, culture and gender roles, human rights, gender equality and threats such as discrimination and sexual abuse, as well as information about sexually transmitted infections (STIs), such as HIV/AIDS.

CSE programmes were held at Amithirigala Maha Vidyalaya, Pallekanugala Kanishta Vidyalaya, Kegalle and Kalaivani Tamil Vidyalaya, Gampola recently.





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