International Women’s day is universally celebrated on the 8th of March 2016 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

International Women’s day is universally celebrated on the 8th of March 2016

International Women’s day is universally celebrated on the 8th of March and the theme for 2016 wasPlanet 50-50 by 2030: Step It Up for Gender Equality. It is a special day to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.

The idea behind this theme  was to consider how to accelerate the 2030 Agenda, building momentum for the effective implementation of the new SDG’s  especially goal number 3: Health, goal number 5: Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls; and number 4: Ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning. 

Here are some the activities that FPA Sri Lanka was a part of, in celebration of IWD.

1. The Koggala Service Delivery Point under the purview the Outreach Unit, conducted a programme on the 04th of March for the Export Processing Zone workers at the BOI auditorium in Koggala. The welcome address and overview of the program was given by the Executive director of the BOI Koggala, Mr. B.R Abeyrathna. Mr. W.A.S Jayasiri (Director, Industrial Relations - BOI, Colombo) spoke on the topic ‘Importance of World Women’s Day’, and an interesting lecture on “Life Skills” was presented by Mr. S.K. Kumarasiri. FPA Sri Lanka Executive Director Mrs. Thushara Agus spoke on the history behind IWD and the importance and value of the variety of jobs that women engage in, in contributing towards the economic and social development of our country, whilst managing their day to day responsibilities at home. 



2. The first ever Women’s Forum in Sri Lanka was launched on the 8th, coinciding with IWD. Dr. Pramilla Senanayake (FPA Sri Lanka President) was part of the forum. Plans will be formulated on a variety of issues in relation to gender equality for women in communities and areas that they live in, and will be forwarded to the Government for necessary action.


Read more about it on;


3. The Director of Public Affairs, Policy and Advocacy of the FPA Sri Lanka conducted a session on ‘Women & Health’ at a workshop organized by Codegen International for approximately 70 female employees of the organization.

CodeGen International is a locally owned software development company operating in Sri Lanka and the United Kingdom, with a workforce of over 300 employees. According to the organization, factors such as tight deadlines, work pressure, family commitments and long hours of work contribute to the stress and illnesses faced by many employees, especially the female personnel. As a result, many females resign after marriage or simply opt to not hold higher positions due to the increased responsibilities and workload.

Some of the topics addressed by Ms. Dissanayake included factors which make it challenging for women to continue working, gender imbalances at work, discrimination faced by women at the workplace and how to identify such, and avenues of redressal for discrimination faced in the workplace. The main focus of her address was that having good emotional and mental health is just as important as physical health for better productivity in work and life.



4. The Industrial Relations Department of the Board of Investment of Sri Lanka (BOI) at the KEPZ in collaboration with the Medical Officer of Health (MOH) Office and the Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka commemorated International Women’s Day on Friday, 11th March 2016 at the BOI office of the Katunayake Export Processing Zone. Dr. Lakshman Senanayake, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist and Consultant to the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs on Gender Based Violence delivered the key note address on “Violence against Women and Health” and the Director of Public Affairs, Policy and Advocacy, Mrs. Madusha Dissanayake gave a lecture on “HIV and Women's Health” to an audience of 100 women representing different departments/units of the companies within the EPZ.



5. FPA Sri Lanka was invited by the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs to the Women’s Day Celebration held by the Ministry in Ampara on 8th March 2016. The organization was represented by Deputy Executive Director Mr. Lasantha Gunaratne, Deputy Director of Governance Mrs. Punya Hewawithanage, Senior Manager, Public Affairs and Advocacy Mr. Rangika Wickramage, and Senior Manager of Outreach Ms. Dilanthi Peiris.

FPA Sri Lanka contributions through print media and television in commemoration of International Women’s Day 2016

FPA Sri Lanka Director - Public Affairs, Policy and Advocacy, Mrs. Madu Dissanayake, was invited as a guest on MTV Face the Nation on the 7th of March. This was a special programme held to commemorate International Women’s Day 2016.

“Diyani” a teledrama created to address teenage pregnancies and vulnerability factors among young people, was sponsored by FPA Sri Lanka and was telecast on Rupavahini at 7.30 pm on the 8th of March. A key advocacy message of this programme was to highlight the need to establish Comprehensive Sexuality Education in schools.

Siyatha ‘Civil’ Programme - The Director - Public Affairs, Policy and Advocacy, Mrs. Madu Dissanayake, participated in a discussion held to commemorate International Women’s Day.

FPA Sri Lanka supported the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs to send out the commemorations and messages of the President, the Prime Minister and the Minister of Women and Child Affairs on International Women’s Day.

An article by FPA Sri Lanka Director - Public Affairs, Policy and Advocacy, Mrs. Madu Dissanayakewas featured in the Veerakesari Newspaper 

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