International Day of Older Persons was commemorated on the 1st of October 2015 | The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka

International Day of Older Persons was commemorated on the 1st of October 2015

International Day of Older Persons was commemorated on the 1st of October 2015. The theme for this year is “Sustainability and Age Inclusiveness in the Urban Environment”. In Sri Lanka, the National Council for Elders and National Secretariat for Elders have been established to encourage participation of older persons in social development, whilst ensuring their independence, care, participation, self-fulfillment and dignity, thereby protecting their rights. 

In a message, President, Maithripala Sirisena said “Urbanization taking place in this present world has posed a serious challenge to the survival of the role of the elder. In many households today, the elderly persons are kept in elders homes, while the children spend their restless lives as machines in their homes”.

The elders’ population in Sri Lanka is rapidly increasing and is expected to reach 27.6% in the year 2050. (It was only 9.3% in the year 2000). Worldwide, the population over 60 is expected to reach 1.4 billion by 2030.

FPA Sri Lanka celebrated this special day with an exciting programme which concluded with lunch for 121 elders, ages spanning from 55-87, from the villages of Sirigampala and Ulhitiyawa (North western province) at the Chinthana Training Centre in Nainamadama. After our Executive Director Ms Thushara Agus gave a brief overview of the objectives of the event, stimulating sessions were conducted by Ms. Seetha Wickremasinghe (former employee of FPA Sri Lanka) titled " Are you Happy?” and “Aging with Pleasure” and a presentation on "How to Relax"  was given by Ms Samantha from the Head Office Clinic. Our sincere appreciation goes out to the "World Vision" Wennappuwa branch for providing transport facilities to our guests and to the gift pack sponsors; Unilever Sri Lanka, Ceylon Biscuits PLC, Maliban Biscuit Manufactories (Pvt) Limited and Ceylon Chocolates Ltd.

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